Monday, January 24, 2011

layered ratatouille

all photos taken by iphone. i apologize for the warm color/hue.
 "ratatouille" is one of my favorite disney movies. not only does it involve food, but it has cute little mice, french accents, and portrays a classic "rags to riches" story. if you haven't seen it, it's about time.

this blog post is inspired by the final meal little chef chooses to prepare for the evil food critique. nothing fancy, just ratatouille. simple, baked vegetables.

- eggplant, squash, tomatoes, onions, carrots, bell pepper
- extra veggies you have lying around (i had celery, sweet potato, broccoli etc.)
- jar of spaghetti sauce
- 2 cups mozzarella/parmesean cheese
- garlic, italian seasoning, salt, and pepper
- drizzle of olive oil
- sprinkle of bread crumbs

if you're a perfectionist and like your ratatouille in a perfect domino display, you may want to completely ignore my directions from here on out. you can find those elsewhere. instead, i'm providing you with a 5 minute layering solution to a great tasting ratatouille.

cut vegetables into thin slices. if you have a mandolin (a kitchen slicer), you can use it here. this dish is all about layering, so layer away!

spray casserole dish/dutch oven. spread about 1 cup of spaghetti sauce on bottom

begin layering vegetables by type. when one complete round of vegetables are finished, add approx. 1 more cup of spaghetti sauce. season first round of vegetables with italian seasoning, garlic, salt, pepper, and cheese. drizzle with olive oil. begin second round of vegetable layers.

finish dish with cheese, seasoning, drizzle of olive oil, and bread crumbs. bake at 375 for 45 minutes. you can serve with cottage cheese for added protein. if you are more of a meat person, feel free to add some sliced sausage to the casserole. as always... enjoy and happy cooking :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

roasted goodness

for all you veggie lovers out there... this is a dish for YOU!

it's a little known fact in my family that my mother has this "one dish" every couple of months that she won't stop raving about. if you ask her for advice on what to cook, this "one dish" will be the answer. when we would get together with relatives, this "one dish" would always come up in conversation. when we would crave a home-cooked meal, this "one dish" would be cooked. she's gone through a couple of these obsessive dishes: enchiladas, chicken tortilla soup, "margaret salad" (for another blog post), and just recently, roasted vegetables.

although i absolutely love vegetables and rarely eat meat, this seemingly simple dish never struck me as one that would be absolutely delicious. but vegetables, olive oil, and herbs and spices never tasted so good.

- your pick of vegetables. i always make sure to have lots of fresh garlic, onions, and lots of different colors and textures- i love whole corn on the cob in it too
- olive oil
- seasoning (herbs, spices, salt and pepper)

preheat oven to 375. cut vegetables into bite size pieces. if you are adding whole corn on the cob, i break each corn into 3 sections. place variety of vegetables into greased casserole dish. drizzle with olive oil and season with your choice of herbs and spices. toss lightly and bake for 45 min to an hour. remember, you can gauge baking time and temperature based on your preference. sometimes, i like to cook it at 400 degrees for an extra golden brown finish.

lightly toss vegetables with olive oil and seasoning before placing in oven

even though this dish may seem like a side dish, it doesn't have to be. as a 90% vegetarian (i know, is that possible? you know what i mean...), i eat this dish as the main course! are all you meat-eaters wondering how this could give you enough protein for a meal? don't worry, we can take care of it. cottage cheese is absolutely amazing to dollop on top of your vegetables. the cold creamy texture of the cottage cheese compliments well with the hot crunchy texture of the vegetables. and as always... happy cooking :)